COVID Update


 CDC/CDA Update for COVID-19

As you know, community spread of the COVID-19 virus has now been confirmed within our region. We would like you to know that Monterey Periodontics Center is committed to protecting both the safety and well-being of our patients, staff and the communities we operate in. Toward that goal we will be taking incremental measures to:

·  Screen employees and patients on a daily basis to help identify symptoms that may indicate someone is ill.

·  Work to minimize the proximity of patients within our clinics.

·  Conduct deep cleaning of our clinics on a regular basis.

·  Provide patients with questions about any potential symptoms they may be experiencing prior to their appointment and giving them an opportunity to reschedule as necessary.

·  Provide regular updates on the status of our operations and the efforts being made to reduce the spread of this virus.

In addition, given concerns about potential exposure – and the recent guidelines and focus and social distancing – we are asking that you do not bring your children or friends with you to your appointments.

The precautions for the COVID-19 coronavirus are the same measures we should all be taking in any healthcare or public setting, especially during flu season.  Most people will have a mild infection and will recover fully. Because less is known about this virus and no one is vaccinated, it is especially important that we take measures to contain the spread to protect the public health (particularly those who are medically vulnerable). Common signs of COVID-19 infection include fever and respiratory symptoms, including cough and shortness of breath. 

·  Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Between washings, use hand sanitizer regularly especially after touching surfaces such as doorknobs and keyboards in public areas.

·  Avoid touching your face (nose, mouth, eyes) with unwashed/sanitized hands.

·  If you are sick, please stay home and take care of yourself.

·  Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or cough into your elbow. Throw away any used tissues promptly, and wash your hands immediately.

For more information, you may wish to refer to the following resources:

CDC website:

California Department of Public Health website:

Thank you for your patience during this challenging time.

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